brain metastasis refers to when cancer has spread to the brain from elsewhere in the body, most commonly the lung or breast. There could be one or more than one brain metastasis, a cancer may go into different areas of the brain.
Primary lung tumors accounted for 50% of all metastatic brain tumors. Lung cancer is the most common source of metastatic disease. Patients with lung cancer who survived more than 2 years, 80% will get a brain metastasis.
The average time interval between diagnosis of primary lung tumors and brain metastases is 4 months ago. Fascinating, small cell carcinomas, which are just 20% of all lung cancers, account for 50% of brain metastases from cancer. In a retrospective study, 6.8% of the first cancer recurrence in the brain.
Metastatic disease from breast cancer, renal cell, thyroid and colon cancers are typically found in a metastatic lesion, and metastatic disease from lung cancer and melanoma are generally found to be more lesions. Testicular cancer is a rare cancer, and it is often metastasizes to the brain compared with lung cancer.
Lung cancer can also pass through the bloodstream to other areas of the body, most usually the liver, adrenal glands, brain, spinal cord, or bones. The spread of lung cancer may occur early in the course of the disease, especially with small cell lung cancer. Symptoms such as headaches, seizures, confusion and pain in the bones can grow before any lung problems become evident, as early diagnosis difficult.
If cancerous cells break away from the original tumor, travel, and develop within other parts of the body, such as the brain, a process known as metastasis. People with metastatic brain tumors have different capabilities liječenja.Liječenje depends largely on where the cancer started.
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